Aviation photography – presentation

Last weekend, I have talked about my aviation images at the Linn Area Photo Club as Showcase Photographer. I prepared a number of photographs to illustrate few points about this type of photography, which you can watch below:
– I talked about shooting what you know, what you have access to, like I have access to pilots and planes at Green Castle Aero Club
– I showed how to focus on interesting details of the planes on “static display”
– I mentioned how photographing jets is not much of the challenge, although like everybody, I have a few must-haves in my portfolio
– I discussed the approaches to show movement and dynamic of the planes and other aircraft in motion – patterns of smoke or light during night airshow and slow shutter to show movement of prop
– I showed few images where just being at the right moment and right time, ready to take a picture, rewarded me with something unusual
– I talked about going further – taking a flight yourself, photographing aerial scenes and eventually, air-to-air – photograph other planes while airborne
– I finished by showing that aviation is fun, and when all planes are down on the ground, it’s time to enjoy fireworks or fire wall displays with airplanes in foreground

If you would like to learn more about photographing during airshows, see the aviation photography tutorial on this blog. Have questions or would like to get in touch? Visit Korwel Photography Google Plus or Facebook pages!