RSS feeds poll

I was wondering already for a while about how many people are reading the blog, and how many people are subscribing to RRS feed (meaning even if they don’t regularly read, at least it lends in their Inboxes, which for me is still better then opening the web page from time to time). I am not alone there, as Brian Auer was recently pondering on full vs truncated feed in context of getting people to the page. Yes, it takes a lot of time and energy to build and improve the web page, and although I am going to continue working on it, I would prefer to have people subscribe, and this is also how I am treating my favorite blogs. They are in my RRS feeder, and unless they post a movie, I will go for years without ever going to the web page again (after initial visit to get RRS address that is :) ). And just to throw a thought on Brian’s dilemma, the blogs with truncated posts in RRS feed are quickly deleted from my reader, and unless the person tweets about every post, they are quickly forgotten.
In any case, I would be interested in how you, my reader, are reading this blog, so here is the simple poll for you.

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