
I cannot recall right now where I heard of work by Uta Barth. I made a mental note and looked her up on the Internet. I found the link to her video on MacArthur Foundation YouTube channel, where she talks about her work for MacArthur Foundation. A few things which really stayed with me- one, that she photographs in her house, just ordinary things surrounding her. Second, how abstract her work is and how interesting and inspiring I found it. I wish she had web site I could direct you to, but if interested, just do search on Google

Her series with window curtains and “drawing with light” came to my mind today, when I was browsing through my images from my short vacation last week. We went South to the Lake of the Ozarks. On the first day, we got rather late, but the high humidity and chilly morning made for a great late, even at 10 am. We went straight to visit ruins at Ha Ha Tonka State Park. This is one of the images I took that morning.

Castle ruins, Ha Ha Tonka State Park, MO