Some of my blogging pet peeves

This is not going to be about how my blog is set up, this time. This is a short list of items which I find irritating when I visit other people’s blog. Things which most probably mean that I will visit just the one post which got me interested in your site, and I will leave without adding you to my favorite blogs to read systematically in RRS reader (which in my case is NetNewsWire).

1. Truncated feed – one of the most irritating features. Instead of putting the whole posts and graphics into feed, the blogger releases just a teaser, let say 250 words. It forces me to leave my RRS feeder and open the actual web page of the blog. Possible reasons? Maybe a wonderful page design, but even more probably the amounts of ads and offers. Well, if you have a product I want to buy, I will find about withut putting in my face every time I want to read your content. And I use RRS feed app to read all blogs in one place and without the hussle.
In fact, I am so particular about it that the blog has to be exceptional for me to keep it in RRS feeder with just a truncated feed. In my current list, only two blogs made it- one is Sabrina Henry’s, the other is Moose Petersen’s.

2. Pop-ups – luckily, this feature is not very popular with photo bloggers. But I get interested at times in pro blogging, and they are just obsessed with selling you their latest e-book or getting your e-mail address by making you sign-up for their exclusive content of newsletter. Yes, I do subscribe to a handful of newsletters. But I did it after making sure, that what I am signing for has a value for me. If I am first time on your blog, I didn’t even know I want to subscribe to that yet.

3. TweetMeme – or any other Social Media sharing button. I am not sure what I find more irritating. The fact that there are bloggers who have not discovered yet that installing TweetMeme Twitter sharing button WordPress Plug-In takes a minute, or those who spent 30 seconds installing it, and do not spend another 30 seconds to set it up properly. The button is supposed to make it easy for me to share your post- after all it is in your best interest! I expect it will have your Twitter handle and a shortened url of post, when I click it. Then I can add some thoughts on the post and be done with it!

I would love to hear your opinions. Am I overreacting? Do some of those things serve the purpose I do not understand? Do you have your own blogging per peeves to add to my list?

And the photo of my cat, Ace made its way to this post just because I think he was not a guest on blog for a while, and when I was thinking of the title, he came to my mind :).

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