Pizza garden – week 11

I was very excited to come back home from long weekend last week and see my tomato flowers turning into small tomato fruits. They are tiny, and I am not 100% sure if they will grow much more. After all, it says “bite size” on the package. I can only imagine the differences in bite sizes from person to person. Mine is a bit bigger then current size of my tomatoes :).
I wanted to post an image of those fruits today, but it turned out I will be out of the house whole day. I literally had few minutes in the morning to snap a few photos. Well, late morning light is already harsh, and the awning did not provide that much of shade. I tried my best to avoid large contrasts. However, this light and shadow, it all created very inteesting image, I think. I suppose I really like green, and yellow shades, and the overall tone of this image is very pleasant. What do you think?
