Morning fog

I have my iPhone two weeks and a half now. Let’s do some quick usage stats ;). I have already 5 home screens. I have currently installed 38 apps in addition to the stuff which came with it. Quick look at iTunes receipt- I downloaded 56 apps altogether (and counting). Hmmmm. I have on my iPhone 6 are photo apps, 1 I use really heavily. This one is called CameraKit, and I chose it from among other apps as I figured it is a good fit to my needs. Its develop options include B&W or sepia conversion, soft focus and dodge/burn at different levels, vignetting and cross-processing (I will come back to it in one of future iPhone posts). Somehow, the crop for example is not so important to me.
Today’s image is the best example of use of iPhone as handy camera- I took this picture on my way to work one morning last week. The fog was just so beautiful, that I stopped, got out of the car and snapped a series of images. I got it ready for blog using Camera Kit, even figured out how to add same watermark and size for blog. Now I will add it to post, again using iPhone app :). Cool.