Just one picture – rain shower in tomato garden

On Saturday, I am going to post a collection of my favorite images from last year. It might seem similar to day’s post, but is not. The other post will have several pictures, one in each category of my most favorite subjects to shoot. Today’s post is an entry for the Digital Photography School challenge of choosing just one, single image representing whole 2011.

Not an easy task, but having the other post already written, I knew that there are some of my favorite images which did not made the cut. For example, none of my images from documenting life of my tomato garden. I did this long project lasting whole summer, and never looked back at those images. For this challenge, I decided to pick my favorite from over 550 images in the folder. I focused on the rainy day shots, and found one I have not previously posted on blog- although now I think it was the best in the series.