Keeping creative with “The inspired photographer” by Nicole S. Young


I do agree with Steve Gosling, that creativity is not a given but something requiring hard work. This is the major reason I started the 365 project this year, to keep practicing, seeing images around me not only when I am on vacation, in new place, but where I live, in mundane. But creativity is one thing, and staying inspired and really go out and shoot everyday, finding new and exciting subjects is not easy. Not if you walk the same road and the seasons change only so slowly. I am in a need of constant sources of inspiration, creativity boosts and all the help I can get.

Thus, I picked up with great interest Nicole S. Young’e newly released e-book, “The inspired photographer”, available from Flatbooks as well as Nicolesy store.

Do not get fooled by the extended title. “The inspired photographer. Twenty Ways to Seek Inspiration & Ignite Creativity” has far many more ideas and tips to offer than promised twenty. And there is a huge variety of those in this e-book, from Social Media and post-processing software recommendations, to simple things like staying organized and in focus. Each chapter is really a collection of ideas, expanding on a single concept with tons of additional resources, linkes etc. Take a look at the Table of Contests below just to get the idea of what is in the e-book:


“The inspired photographer” was exactly what I needed yesterday, when I did not feel like I have anything to add, neither in terms on words on blog, nor with the camera. After I finished reading, I was newly invigorated and ready to get up from the couch. I went out and took some images of flowers in my tiny flower bed in front of the house, and they turned out quite nice! I feel I will be going back to this e-book often.



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