Pizza garden – week 4

My pot garden is doing just fine. Warmer weather, some rain, some sun, and even few frost last week do not seem to bother it much. The tomato plants starts to look like tomato plants, finally. Following my mom’s advice, I pruned them a bit, leaving the biggest plants the room to breathe. In the process, I created additional pots, I felt sorry for the remaining plants and didn’t want to see them waste. After all, you cannot have too many tomatos.
For a photo, I decided to skip the drops for now, before everybody gets bored. I used the backlight, as the sun was still bright at 7 pm, and creating too much shadow-highlight effect. But with backlight, it looks really interesting and a bit like the tulips earlier this week- shining through. I love this macro lens. Did you notice those tiny hairs around steam?