Wood shack

Last week, for the first time, I had real, uninterrupted time to photograph around my parents backyard. I set up the tripod, put the camera on it, and infrared filter (Cokin P007) on my D300 to see, if i can finally master the infrared images. I composed and set the focus before placing the filter in holder. With aperture f/8 I did several trials to nail the right exposure, elongating time up to 20 seconds, until I was happy with it. I was quite surprised, as it was rather bright day. When I looked at the image on the LCD and then on the computer, I was not so sure it will work out. But some extensive web browsing gave me the red and blue channel swapping tip in Channel Mixer in Photoshop, and … the result I wanted revealed itself! I just added a bit of blue cast, because the B&W version looked, well, grey, and the worm cast just didn’t do it for me.